Previous Rates of Areca

Date Top Price Low Price Average Price
26/07/2024 50969 42100 49116
24/07/2024 51600 42099 48327
22/07/2024 51600 43000 48729
19/07/2024 51600 39199 48042
15/07/2024 51400 44269 49390
12/07/2024 51400 42069 48723
10/07/2024 51890 41000 50050
08/07/2024 52100 40799 50035
05/07/2024 51900 44099 50523
03/07/2024 51600 46021 50641
01/07/2024 51400 44100 49891
28/06/2024 50700 43099 49263
26/06/2024 51600 44799 49796
24/06/2024 52400 40099 50066
21/06/2024 52895 44099 51415
19/06/2024 53890 43000 51874
17/06/2024 53770 46000 52622
14/06/2024 54100 49019 52502
12/06/2024 53829 47336 52844
10/06/2024 53700 45121 52311
07/06/2024 53729 48599 52579
05/06/2024 54669 50012 53118
03/06/2024 54485 51500 53389
31/05/2024 53970 48519 53128
29/05/2024 53970 44000 52844

Graphical Representation

To be globally respected co-operative society that provides total agri solution, preffered Arecanut marketing partner for our farmers and leveraging technology with aim to achieve 20 crore profit organization in next five year

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